jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

Inglés Técnico I/RR.HH/2do Cuat.

1. Write c for countable and u for uncountable:
   time -          books -        sugar -       milk -       pens -          hair -             chairs - 
   meat -         butter -        pencils -     bread -     jam -           friends -        fingers - 
  flour -          apples -       oil -             cars -       salt -             houses -          cheese - 
  rice -           tea -            games -       tomatoes -    cream -     honey -       carrots - 
 a)  a / an + singular countable noun ( a pen, an apple)     some  + plural countable nouns - positive sentences ( There are some cars)
                                                                                      some +  uncountable nouns - positive sentences  ( There is some oil)     
  any - we use any in negative sentences and in most questions.(countable and uncountable nouns)  I don't have any pens. There isn't any salt.      
           Do you have any sisters?
2. Choose a, an, some or any
a)  It is  dog.                             b) Have you got   friends?                      c)  I bought  milk.
d) Linda has not got  pets.        e) There is  orange on the table.              f) Tim eats  cheese every day.
g) We don't have   bread.        h) My brother found  money.                  i) My sister found  pen.
j) Do you have  eggs?             k) There are  students in the classroom.   l) Is there  pencil on the desk?      
 b) how much - we use with uncountable nouns               how many - we use with countable nouns.
3. Choose How  much or How many
a)   cheese do you buy?
b)  books are there in your bag?
c)  films did Tom see last week?
d)  money do you spend every week?
e)  friends does Linda have?
f)  sugar do we need?
g)  tomatoes are there in the fridge?
h)  meat are you going to buy?
i)  milk did you drink yesterday?
j)  apples do you see?

REGULAR-VERB PRONUNCIATION:  Place the following columns under the correct heading /t/, /d/ or /id/

Asked (Pedir/preguntar)

Pulled (jalar)
Accepted (Aceptar)
Baked (hornear)
Agreed (estar de acuerdo)
Realized (darse cuenta)
Afforded (poder pagar)
Brushed (cepillar)
Allowed (permitir)
Remembered (acordarse)
Atended (atender)
Cooked (cocinar)
Answered (responder)
Rained (llover)
Arrested (arrestar)
Cracked (rajar)
Appeared (aparecer)
Repaired (reparar)
Collected (coleccionar)
Crashed (chocar)
Arrived (llegar)
Saved (guardar)
Contacted (contratar)
danced (bailar)
Believed (creer)
Shared (compartir)
Counted (contar)
Dressed (vestirse)
Belonged (pertenecer)
Shaved (afeitarse)
Decided (decidir)
Dropped (dejar caer)
Burned (quemar)
Showed (mostrar)
Defended (defender)
Escaped (escaparse)
Called (llamar)
Signed (firmar)
Demanded (demandar)
Finished (acabar)
Carried (llevar)
Slammed (cerrar de golpe)
Divided (dividir)
Fixed (arreglar)
Changed (cambiar)
Stayed (quedarse)
Ended (finalizar)
Guessed (adivinar)
Cleaned (limpiar)
Snowed (nevar)
Expanded (expandir)
Helped (ayudar)
Closed (cerrar)
Studied (estudiar)
Expected (esperar)
Hoped (tener la esperanza)
Covered (cubrir)
Tried (intentar / tratar)
Exported (exportar)
Hiked (caminar en el campo)
Cried (llorar)
Traveled (viajar)
Flooded (inundar)
Joked (hacer bromas)
Damaged (dañar)
Turned (voltear)
Graduated (graduarse)
Jumped (saltar)
Described (describir)
Used (usar)
Hated (odiar)
Knocked (noquear)
Died (morir)
Welcomed (dar la bienvenida)
Hunted (cazar)
Kissed (besar)
Dried (secar)
Whispered (susurrar)
Included (incluir)
laughed (reírse)
Earned (ganar dinero)
Worried (preocupar)
Invited (invitar)
Locked (cerrar)
Encouraged (dar coraje)
yawned (bostesar)
Invented (inventar)
Looked (mirar)
Enjoyed (disfrutar)

Landed (aterrizar)
Missed (perserse / extrañar)
Entered (entrar)

Needed (necesitar)
Mixed (mezclar)
Explained (explicar)

Painted (pintar)
Packed (empacar)
Explored (explorar)

Planted (plantar)

1. Say what you can do or can’t do. Choose can or can’t according to you.  

a. I ..............  speak Chinese. 
b. I...............   sing very well. 
c. I.................   run 20 kilometres. 
d. I.................   ride a bicycle. 
e. I.................   play basket. 
f. I....................   swim. 
g. I....................   understand my teacher of English. 
h. I ...................  dance “sevillanas”. 
2. Choose can or can’t according to the situation:
   Example: She can’t answer the phone now; she is not at home. 

a. I know the answer; I   answer the question now. 
b. She is good at the piano; she   play the piano very well. 
c. This test is very difficult; I .................  answer any question. 
d. Maria can speak English but she..........................   speak French. 
e. You....................   sleep today because you are very nervous. 
f. Juan.......................   play tennis very well; he is a good tennis player. 

3. Write the following words in order: 

a. milk can please I the have? CAN I HAVE THE MILK, PLEASE?
b. school can’t to she go. ......................................................................    
c. languages can other speak she?.......................................................
d. can’t he letter a write........................................................................
e. you under can’t water the run...........................................................
f. vegetarian she because meat a eat she’s can’t .................................... 
g. come on Sunday to they lunch can-........................................................


James Ellis  (go) on a business trip last week. He  (be)  (visit) some customers in Frankfurt. He  (leave) home early on Monday morning and  (take) a taxi to the airport. He  (get) there at about 8 o'clock. He  (check in) and  (go) to the airport lounge. He  (buy) a newspaper and  (go) to get a coffee. 

He  (be)  (drink) his coffee when he  (see) an old friend, Bob. He  (be) very surprised that Bob  (be) in London and  (find out) that he  (be)  (start) a new job in the city. As they  (be)  (speak) they  (hear) an announcement. "Would all passengers for the 9.30 flight to Frankfurt please go to boarding gate 10". James  (say) goodbye to Bob and as they  (be)  (leave) Bob  (give) him his business card and  (ask) him to phone when he  (return) from Frankfurt.

After  (board) James  (put) his briefcase in the overhead locker and  (sit) down. During the flight, James  (do) some paper work and  (speak) to the woman sitting next to him, while they  (be)  (speak) the flight attendant  (bring) breakfast. When the plane  (land) in London, it was almost 11 o'clock.

James  (take) a train to his hotel. Then he  (walk) to the customer's office. He  (get) there at 1.00 pm and  (go) to the reception desk. The receptionist (ask) him to wait. Whilst he  (be)  (wait) she  (offer) him a drink. He and his customer  (talk) all afternoon. When Bob  (get) to his hotel at 7 o'clock that night, he  (phone) his wife and then  (go) to the hotel restaurant.

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