miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013

Relative Clauses

1. Make one sentence from two. Use the appropriate relative pronoun.

• The girl injured in the accident is now in hospital.
• The man who answered the phone told me you were away.
• The waitress who served us was very impolite and impatient.
• The building destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.

2. Put in WHAT or a THAT in the sentences as it corresponds.

• I gave her all the money THAT I had.
• They give their children everything THAT they want.
• Tell me WHAT you want and I’ll try to get it for you.
• Why do you blame me for everything THAT goes wrong?
• I can lend you ten pounds. It’s all THAT I’ve got in my wallet.
• I don’t agree with WHAT you’ve just said.

3. Complete each sentence using WHO / WHOM/ WHOSE / WHERE

• A pacifist is a person WHO believes that all wars are wrong.
• An orphan is a child WHOSE parents are dead-
• The place WHERE we spent our holidays was really beautiful.
• This school is only for children WHOSE first language is not English.
• I don’t know the name of the woman to WHOM I spoke on the phone.

4. Make one sentence using relative pronouns. Decide if the information is necessary or not, i.e. 
defining or non-defining relative clauses?

* The woman living next door is a doctor
* My brother Jim, who lives in London, is a fireman
* The strike at the car factory, which lasted ten days, is now over.
* I’ve found the book I was looking for this morning
* The population of London, which was once the largest city in the world, is now falling

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