martes, 3 de abril de 2012

1er CUAT (Sistemas)


EXCERCISE: Write the comparative form of the following adjectives.

HappyCheap Honest
Difficult Strong Busy
Clean Interesting Young
Early Hot Near
Beautiful Warm Funny
Soft Expensive Easy
Intelligent fresh Bad
Dirty Kind Late
Good Boring Dangeerous
Careful Cold weak

Exercise: Complete with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1) She’s much __________ her husband. (young)
2) It’s a __________ day _____ yesterday. (warm)
3) The vegetables in the shop are __________ ¬¬¬_____ the one ones in the supermarket. (fresh)
4) The train is __________ _____ the bus (expensive)
5) The new TV programme is __________ _____ the old one. (funny)
6) Mrs. Jones is a __________ teacher ____ Mr. Andrews. (good)
7) My office is __________ _____ Helen’s. (near)
8) The traffic is _______________ it was last year. (noisy)
9) You have a __________ life _____ I have. (busy)
10) Drivers in this country are _______________________ _____ drivers in my country. (dangerous)
11) The exam today was _______________ _____ last year’s exam. (difficult)
12) She’s __________ _____ her sister. (smart)
13) Micheal is __________ _____ than Mathew. (Rich)
14) The students ask _______________ questions _____ they did before. (intelligent)
15) Her second book is _______________ _____ her first one. (interesting)


EXERCISE: Complete with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1) __________ (large)cucumber weighed 66lbs.
2) __________ (popular) tourist attraction in the United States is Disneyworld.
3) __________ (successful) songwriters are Paul McCartney and the late John Lennon.
4) __________ (heavy) baby at birth was a boy of 22 lbs. 8 oz. He was born in Italy in 1955
5) __________ (fat) person was a man in New York. He weighed almost 1200 lbs.
6) One of __________ (famous) painters was Pablo Picasso.
7) __________ (long) attack of hiccups lasted 67 years.
8) __________ (big) omelet was made of 54,763 eggs.

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