lunes, 30 de abril de 2012



Make questions for the words in bold(Hacer preguntas para las palabras en negrita-total: 13 preguntas)

Tom works at a bank. He is the manager. He starts work
every day at 8:00 am. He finishes work every day at 6:00
. He lives very close to the bank. He walks to work
every day. His brother and sister also work at the bank.
But, they do not live close to the bank. They drive cars to
. They start work at 9:00 am. In the bank, Tom is the
boss. He helps all the workers and tells them what to do.
He likes his job. He is also very good at his job. Many
customers like Tom, and they say hello to him when they
come to the bank. Tom likes to talk to the customers and
make them feel happy. Tom really likes his job.

Choose the correct WH Question word.

1. _________ do you live?
I live in Toronto.
a) Who
b) What
c) Where
2. _________ do you wake up?
I wake up at 7:30 am.
a) When
b) Why
c) How
3. _________ is your brother?
He is great, thanks for asking.
a) Where
b) Why
c) How
4. _________ is this?
That's my electronic dictionary.
a) Who
b) What
c) Where
5. _________ do you take English class?
Because I want to improve my speaking.
a) Where
b) When
c) Why
6. _________ does your father work?
He works at the post office.
a) When
b) Who
c) Where
7. _________ do I cook rice?
You need to use a pot with water.
a) How
b) Who
c) Where
8. _________ is the party?
It is on Saturday night.
a) Where
b) When
c) Why
9. _________ are you sad?
Because my dog is sick.
a) Who
b) What
c) Why
10. _________ is the bank?
It is on 4th Avenue.
a) When
b) Where
c) How

Fill in the blanks with do, does, is, are. 1.

1. Where..... she work?

2. When...... you finish school?

3. Why..... you like that movie?

4. When ...... the game?

5. What....... your brother's name?

6. Where...... my jacket?

7. How old...... your parents?

8. When...... Dan eat dinner?

9. What...... the answer to question number 5?

10. How ...... the boys know the answer to question 5?

Fill in the spaces with Do, Does, Is, or Are.

1. ....... you a teacher?

2. ....... she have a brother?

3. ...... they from Spain?

4. ......we need our books?

5. ...... the boy live in the city?

6. ....... the pencils yellow?

7. . .....she 18 years old?

8. ....... Tom and Jane know how to speak French?

Choose the correct option.

1. He ________ in Portugal.
a) live
b) lives
2. They ________ pasta for dinner.
a) want
b) wants
3. The boy ________ video games.
a) like
b) likes
4. The books ________ on the table.
a) is
b) are
5. Dan and Jen ________ a pet dog.
a) have
b) has
6. Her mother ________ at her school.
a) work
b) works
7. The police officer ________ tall.
a) is
b) are
8. The people ________ happy.
a) is
b) are
9. My uncle ________ in Vancouver.
a) live
b) lives
10. The children ________ to school at 8:00am.
a) go
b) goes

Fill in the spaces with the correct comparative adjectives

1. His gift was ........ (surprising) than hers.

2. My hat is........ (cool) than your hat.

3. He is ........ (shy) than his brother.

4. Tim is......... (calm) than Janet.

5. Those fireworks were....... (incredible) than the fireworks last year.

6. He is a ....... (good) writer than his friend.

7. Today is......... (hot) than yesterday.

8. These monkeys are......... (crazy) than the elephants.

9. Do you think she is........ (intelligent) than her classmate?

10. Your boots are......... (dry) than before.

Fill in the spaces with the correct comparative adjectives

1. The red jacket is......... (cheap) than the blue jacket.

2. The shoes are....... (nice) than the boots.

3. The pink socks are............ (expensive) than the white socks.

4. The brown sweater is........ (good) than the blue sweater.

5. The chocolate looks......... (bad) than the candy.

6. The radio is.......... (new) than the DVD player.

7. The Cds are ........ (old) than the DVDs.

8. These apples are........... (bright) than those apples.

9. This dress is....... (beautiful) than that dress.

10. Those green tomatoes are........... (sweet) than the red tomatoes.

Read the passage below and see how many comparative
adjectives you can find(Subrayar las estructuras comparativas)

Yesterday my brother and I went to see a football game. We
watched our two favourite teams, the Eagles and the Hawks.
It was the second week of the season and the day was much
colder than the week before. We were excited because I love
the Hawks and he loves the Eagles.

The seats were good, but I wanted something closer to the
field. However, we sat and enjoyed the game. Well, we
enjoyed it until we started arguing. The problem with my
brother and I is that we both think our team is better than the
other team. He always says to me that the Eagles are faster,
stronger, and smarter than the Hawks. I never agree. On this
day, he was wrong. The Hawks played a lot better than the
Eagles. They looked stronger and tougher than the Eagles.

One thing I didn’t like was that the food and drinks were much
more expensive than other places, and tasted much worse. I
was surprised that a hotdog and a drink cost $7. Also, the
hotdog was smaller than normal hotdogs. So I was a little sad
about my meal, and hoped to get something tastier after the
game. But I was happy because the Hawks beat the Eagles by
15 points.

Driving home I talked about how much better my team was
than the Eagles. My brother was getting angry and I noticed
he was driving a lot faster than usual. We were lucky he didn’t
crash. Finally he saw a police car so he started to drive
slower. So we made it home safe and overall it was a great
day. Although we fight, it is a lot more fun going to games
with my brother than anyone else.

Fill in the spaces with the correct superlative adjectives.

1. Her computer is the........... (new).

2. Those glasses are the......... (nice) in the store.

3. She is the........ (old) person in her family.

4. Mr. Kendrick is the ......... (good) teacher in the school.

5. My puppy is the........ (young) of all my friends' dogs.

6. These books are the ............ (expensive) books in the store.

7. I am the........... (bad) soccer player on the team.

8. These oranges are the......... (sweet) type of orange.

9. He is the........... (hard) worker in his company.

10. That was the............. (interesting) movie I have ever seen.

Fill in the spaces with the correct words to make sentences with comparative or superlative adjectives. Remember to use the verb "be". (EN ESTE EJERCICIO TAMBIÉN TIENEN QUE ESCRIBIR EL VERB “TO BE” (IS-ARE-AM). NO SE OLVIDEN!

1. He......... (old) his sister.

2. She........... (pretty) her sister.

3. That DVD player............ (expensive) in the store.

4. These shoes ........... (clean) shoes I have.

5. My math teacher.......... (good) my geography teacher.

6. I......... (bad) player on my team.

7. Their children ........... (young) our children.

8. The maple tree .......... (tall) tree in my yard.

9. This book .......... (interesting) the other book.

10. My bedroom ............ (big) in the house

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